Saturday, August 22, 2009

Were home

Today was the first day we all came home from the hospital. Everything has been going real smooth with the typical parenthood issues. Feeding, diapers, and laundry. He is getting on a great routine and seems to enjoy his new surroundings. He is wide eyed and seems to try to take everything in. He is awesome and parenthood has been all I could ask for.

AUG 19

Aug. 19th was the day my son came into this world. After a brief scare he was brought into this world two weeks early. He is healthy and thats what's important. Seeing him for the first time brought tears to my eyes. He was so beautiful, precious, and innocent in every way!! As I spoke he seemed to turn his head like he was trying to find me. I can say that Aug. 19, 2009 was one of the best days of my life!

Big Dad

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tomorrow is "'THE DAY"

Today was our appointment for our 38th week checkup. After talking to the doctor we were sent for another ultrasound. After the results from the ultrasound were in it was decided we need to head to the hospital tonight and will be having the baby tomorrow. I guess its do or die time now;) So many emotions are going on inside of me. All the buildup and its finally here. Can't wait to meet the new prince! Back in a few days.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Baby Care

Started the baby care class this Monday. Actually learned a few things. Next week is a big day for the class. I will learn to swaddle a baby and change a diaper, which is one thing I have never done in my life. Again we are so close its just a matter of time before he comes. I just continue to hope I am prepared for him.

Big Dad

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bags Packed

Well yesterday afternoon we took time out of the extremely hot day to pack our hospital bag. Now it's official we are ready to go. For a short time it looked like late last night we were going to need to grab the bag and run as she started to have quit a few contractions. Won't be long till the little man arrives!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Do we have enough stuff???

I am now beginning to think I need another house just to store all of the baby gifts we have recieved! We are very grateful to have many wonderful family and friends who have been compelled to shower the new baby with presents. Starting with clothes, I think we have a onesie the baby can wear everyday without every having to wear the same one twice. As for furniture....crib check, swing check, bouncer check, extra saucer check, high chair check, toilet check, and the list goes on. Diapers and wipes have been stocked up in order to cut down the all at once expense. As for the brand we prefer will have to update that as we begin to use. Thanks again for all of the wonderful gifts the baby and especially the parents appreciate it!

Big Dad

Friday, August 7, 2009

What's in a name?

Probably the two most asked questions everywhere we go are "do you know what your having" and "do you have a name picked out." Well in our case yes we know what we are having (boy) and no we do not have a name picked out. It seems that everyone has "advice" on what a great name such and such would make. I guess if you like that name have a child and give it to them. Family seems to try to influence the most. They talk about gradfathers names, middle names, names they have heard, and names they have seen. Names have many meanings and stick to the child forever....which means you have to be sensative in some aspect that they will get older and be stuck with that name. I feel I am a more traditional in the name aspect and wanted something a little different but not too unique. After looking at every baby name book know to man we have settled on two. The two names we are pondering are Jack and Evan. We have decided not to make a choice until he is born. The one thing we do know is the middle name will be Thomas. We would forward to seeing the little guy and deciding the name. Would love you hear your thoughts on the names.......till next time.

Big Dad